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PIM Lunchtime Reading Group


Here is the Reading for the Lunchtime Psychodrama Reading Group on Monday 6 September 2021 from 12 to 1 p.m. Zoom door opens at 11.55 am. Bring your own refreshments. The fee is $5.00 for MPS members and $10.00 for non-members (see PIM website for CC payments or you can make a bank transfer). RSVP by return email.

Our moderator this month is Yoko Furukawa

Reference: Chapters 10 & 11, 'Not one person…' and ‘She said hello…’ (pp.60-67) from Bullet to the Heart One to the Brain, by Elaine A. Sernovitz Zimbel.

Excerpt, p.63:

“The Moreno’s invited me to training with them in exchange for my services, not money. I was delighted. I went there every chance I could. That’s where I was going in March 1969, I was invited to a party, my Mother’s 80th birthday. A post card, I think. I picked it up at the mailbox on my way to Beacon…..Zerka asks the woman from Holland to be the director. We look for a place to begin. We start with the present-I am holding the postcard in my hand…..”

Sue Daniel Director Psychodrama Institute of Melbourne M: 0417 586 791



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