Theatre of Spontaneity, Sunday 23 Feb.
Going Forward in 2020.
How do we keep going?
How do we find our own new life?

Presenter: Sue Daniel
The Theatre of Spontaneity (ToS) is held on the last Sunday of each month beginning in February and ending in November. It is a public event. A presenter brings forward a current theme related to our world. The material comes from the audience and the session is co-created in an impromptu manner. Sociodrama, psychodrama and other creative methods are used to explore these themes.
In this first Theatre of Spontaneity (ToS) for the year, Sue Daniel will explore the theme of 'Going Forward'. Sue is a Psychodramatist who works across cultures to bring new perspectives on our world.
Venue for February ToS: 61 Porter St. Prahran
Gathering at 6.00 pm for 6.30 start – 8.30 pm finish
At the door: $15.00 MPS members/$20.00 non-members (cash or card)
RSVP Gavin O’Loughlin 0403 597 685
Light refreshments provided.
All Welcome!