Lethe Gaskin Personal Development Group June 25 – July 30 2018

Born in New Zealand. of Ngati Tuwharetoa Iwi (tribe), Lethe has lived and worked in both Australia and New Zealand for over 25 years. She is a Registered Psychodramatist and Psychologist in both lands, and works as a Counsellor, Psychotherapist, Group Facilitator, Trainer and Supervisor. Lethe is a Psychodramatist, and a qualified TEP, Trainer, Educator and Practitioner in this field.
Lethe has practiced in the fields of Trauma and Sexual abuse Counselling, Grief, loss and Palliative Care, and has worked within the Primary Mental Health sector, assisting people affected by Depression, Anxiety, Relationship issues, Identity and Cultural issues, and the range of Workplace and Stage-of-Life issues.
Cost: MPS Members: $395.00 Non-Members: $495.00*. *Medicare Rebates May Apply
Venue: Psychodrama Institute of Melbourne: GF1, 10-12 Adolph St, Cremorne 3121
E: lethegaskin@hotmail.com M: 0481 828 869