Personal Development Group for Professionals, May/June 2018
4 Friday Afternoons (2.30 – 5.30pm)
25 May, 1 Jun. (no 8 Jun.), 15 & 22 June.

Life provides many challenges, and also possibilities, which are ours if we have the courage to take them. These three workshops provide opportunities to develop new roles, and new perspectives, to acknowledge, celebrate and value old roles, to clear obstacles and resolve minor conflicts of living in your personal or professional life. They will suit anyone who wants to explore and enter into the deeper aspects of self with the aim of developing greater resilience, vitality and more effective relationships with themselves and others. The aim of self-development is to be able to live life creatively, spontaneously and with a greater vision.
Maximum number in group: 8

Sue Daniel is a psychologist and individual and group psychotherapist working in private practice with individuals, couples and families since 1986. Sue is the director of the Psychodrama Institute of Melbourne and an International trainer, educator and practitioner of Psychodrama (TEP).
Medicare rebates may apply. Concessions for members of the
Moreno Psychodrama Society. Fees: $325.00 ($225.00 MPS members) Applications and deposit of $50.00 are due by Friday, 4 May 2018.