Introduction to Psychodrama Sunday 22nd April 2018 from 2-5pm Director: Lethe Gaskin

Psychodrama is an experiential method, with thinking, feeling and action at its core. The relationships that we have with ourselves, and others including animals and objects, have an effect on our health and well being. Being in the here and now brings satisfaction and effectiveness in our work and day-to-day living. With care and skill, the techniques of psychodrama can be used anywhere and with anyone. This session is designed for those new to psychodrama and who want to go beyond talking methods. It will suit individual practitioners, supervisors, group leaders and anyone wanting more spontaneity in their life.

Lethe Gaskin is a Psychodramatist (TEP), psychologist and group psychotherapist working in private practice in Melbourne and a supervisor and consultant in the Health field. She is the Co-Founder of the Psychodrama Institute of Aotearoa (New Zealand) and the Chairperson of the Australian and Aotearoa Board of Psychodrama.
Fee: $30.00 session (Enrolments recommended one week before session).
Location: Psychodrama Institute of Melbourne Cremorne 3121
Enquiries: Call Ted on 0410 536 791