Best wishes from the eJournal Editors

Dear Members,
We are celebrating the publication of the 10th edition of our (the world first) Psychodrama e-Journal, “The Mirror”.
This edition is dedicated to a project by Cath Russell, “It takes a village to build a flash mob”, and here you will find links to 7 videos, including TV news articles and songs, which you can click on as you read. I recommend you take the time to view the videos as you read, as this adds a fuller dimension to the words.
In addition Vanessa Hutchinson has created a comic, Sorry Number 3. Have a look. We look forward to continuing her comic series in future editions along with other spontaneous pieces provided by members.
In keeping with the spirit of Cath’s title, I can say “It takes a community to create a journal!” Congratulations to our team, the many contributors, you, our members who are the readers of this journal and the erstwhile efforts of the Moreno Psychodrama Society committee!
The MPS website has been revamped and you should find that it is easier to read via your mobile phone, tablet or desktop. Hard copies of the journal can be found in the PIM Library.
We are taking a break over the Christmas and New Year holiday season and will be back on 31 January 2018.
Sue and Ted