Friday Lunchtime Reading Group, 4 August 2017
I am writing to say that for tomorrow's Friday's Reading Group, I invite each one of you to bring along a favourite paragraph, poem or saying, of either Moreno himself or Zerka's writing to share and say why you like it or what it means to you. I imagine the discussion to be very rich.
I am looking forward to moderating our discussion and to meeting you, in the encounter sense of the word, "meeting", at 12.45-1.45pm this coming Friday, 4 August.

The Lunchtime Reading Groups
First Friday of the month from 12.45 to 1.45 p.m
This group is designed to suit those with an hour to spare at lunchtime. Budding writers, trainees and practitioners are welcome! We will discuss psychodrama works; DVD’s and literature and other related material. A moderator who will send the material, or give it out at the previous meeting for reading or viewing, will lead the discussion.
Dates for 2017: 3 March, 7 April, 5 May, 2 Jun, 7 Jul, 4 Aug, 1 Sep, 6 Oct. & 3 November 2017.
Fee: $10.00 per session includes freshly brewed coffee and selection of teas and goes towards building up the PIM and MPS library. BYO lunch.
Time: 12.45-1.45 pm
Fee: $10.00 for MPS members, $15.00 (non-members)
BYO lunch (Tea and freshly brewed coffee is served).
Text or email for enquiries or material:
RSVP to Sue Daniel: 0417 586 791