Friday Lunchtime Reading Group, 7 April
The Relationship between Psychodrama and Spirituality

Moderator: Emily Lumbers
Organiser: Katrina Gaskin
The major challenge for humanity is that of living creatively. J.L Moreno
The Reading for this Lunchtime group is taken from Connie Miller’s chapter “Psychodrama, Spirituality and Souldrama (see reference). Emily will read her warm up to this theme and open the topic up to sharing and discussion.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift. Albert Einstein.
‘Moreno (1920) called spontaneity and creativity the ‘godhead’ in classical psychodrama. He stated each person has a god-within that can be drawn on as a guide for a creative life and healing force. Toward the end of “Who Shall Survive?” (1934/1953) Moreno describes his hope for humanity: the transformation of human consciousness through the integration of creative play, spontaneity and psychological theory. Moreno’s methodology is a growth model, emphasising individual responsibility and the creating of one’s destiny’ (Moreno 1946).”
Reference: Connie Miller’s, Psychodrama, Spirituality and Souldrama. Chapter 13. Pages 192/193 in Psychodrama: Advances in Theory and Practice” edited by Clark Baim et al. 2007.
Time: 12.45-1.45 pm
Remember to BYO lunch and tea and freshly brewed coffee is served.
$10.00 for MPS members, $15.00 (non-members)
RSVP: Thursday 6 April 2017
Please contact 0417 586 791 for excerpts of reading material