End of Year Celebrations at PIM
It's been a very full year, and still to come is the Moreno Psychodrama Society Christmas Brunch tomorrow morning in the Botanical Gardens from 11.30 a.m - 2 p.m.
Last night, Friday 2 December, trainees, trainers, practitioners and family and friends turned up for a warm gathering to celebrate our year and our respective achievements.
As I presented people with their certificates, I was reminded about the multicultural nature of our community. We were proud to present Lyndon Medina, our most recent Psychodramatist with his certificate of Psychodrama Directorship. Lyndon hails from the Philippines. Yelena Ashlapova, originally from Kazakhstan, and Yulia Chizhevskaya, from Russia received their accreditation as Assistant-Directors, while Dafina Bytyqi, from Kosovo and Fiona Lange attained the level of Auxiliary-Ego. In addition, in October this year, Magdalene Jeyarathnam passed her practicum in Melbourne, achieving her Psychodrama Directorship. Magdalene lives in Chennai, India and is the Director of the Indian Institute of Psychodrama. In June, Masaaki Chikuda, who had been training with us for five months received the certificate of Psychodrama Assistant-Director upon completion of his first paper "The Revelation of Role Reversal". Masa lives in Hokkaido, Japan.
In 2017 we are offering many interesting workshops and programs with local and overseas presenters, visitors and trainees. Our new program, which can be found on our website includes our May conference, "Islands in the Sun: Building Bridges", with presenters originating from five countries.
Workshops throughout 2017 include Dreaming the Dream in February with Sue Daniel and Jun Maeda, Times Distorted Mirror in May with Clark Baim from the U.K., a Role Training Workshop with Hans Wilgenburg in July and my annual psychodrama workshop: A Psychodrama 4-day Intensive: Releasing from the Chrysalis.
Congratulations and best wishes to all our trainees, trainers and practitioners.
Through relationship and connection nothing is impossible.