"Practice Makes Perfect: Or does it?"
Theatre of Spontaneity

"Practice Makes Perfect: Or does it?"
Sharni Page
Sunday 25 September 2016
at 6.00 pm. for 6.30 start – 8.30 finish
Jacob Levy Moreno created the first Theatre of Spontaneity (ToS) early in the last century to explore through enactment, moments of interest, social themes and current events occurring in the Austrian community and society. Each ToS presenter will work with material from the group, so just bring yourself to this unique and refreshing event.
Come along to our Theatre of Spontaneity to explore new roles, share your stories, journeys and experiences.
RSVP by Friday, 23 September 2016 to Gavin O'Loughlin 0403 597 685
The Location is 1/10-12 Adolph St. Cremorne, Victoria At the door: $15.00 MPS members/$20.00 non-members
Light refreshments provided All welcome!