Barney, the "Insightful Bumblebee": Friday Lunchtime Reading Group, 29 July 2016

Barney, the Insightful Bumblebee is a fable written by Zerka Moreno.
(Reference: Beyond Aristotle, Breuer and Freud: Moreno's contribution to the concept of catharsis. Article 22, pp. 165-167 in The Quintessential Zerka: Writings by Zerka Toeman Moreno on Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy, Routledge: NY, Editors: Toni Horvatin and Edward Schreiber, 2006).
Zerka says, "Social scientists have traditionally been looked down upon by physical scientists and, to a considerable extent, they are so today. The reasons are numerous, the major one being that according to the detractors, social science continues to be an admixture of art with science, therefore not "pure" science." She wrote the fable of "Barney" to illustrate the fallacy in this type of thinking.
Katrina Gaskin will lead the July Lunchtime Reading Group in a discussion of "Barney" and Zerka's viewpoint. Whilst Zerka says her fable is written courtesy of Aesop or Jonathan Swift, we note the use of Morenian Role Theory in describing the role of Barney.
The Lunchtime Reading Groups
Last Friday of the month from 12.45 to 1.45 p.m
This group is designed to suit those with an hour to spare at lunchtime. Budding writers, trainees and practitioners are welcome! We will discuss psychodrama works; DVD’s and literature and other related material. A moderator who will send the material, or give it out at the previous meeting for reading or viewing, will lead the discussion.
Dates: 26 Feb, 18 Mar, (2nd last Friday due to Easter), 29 Apr, 27 May, 24 Jun, 29 Jul, 26 Aug, 30 Sep, 28 Oct. & 25 November.
Fee: $10.00 per session includes freshly brewed coffee and selection of teas and goes towards building up the PIM and MPS library. BYO lunch.
Text or email for enquiries or text:
RSVP Thursday 14 July 2016 : 0417 586 791