Celebrating Masa and Chiyo

On a wintery evening, Saturday 18 June 2016, we gathered in the warmth of Hans and Catherine van Wilgenburg's new home to celebrate Masa and Chiyo Chikuda's journey to Melbourne. Over the past four months they learnt English together and Masa also enrolled in the psychodrama training program at PIM.

Sue Daniel gave a speech recognising the pioneering efforts of Masa and Chiyo and their contribution to our community. Masa was presented with two certificates, as Auxiliary-Ego and Psychodrama-Assistant. As part of the requirements for the latter, Masa wrote a paper entitled "The Revelation of Role Reversal".

Masa attended many groups during his stay, here he is with the members of the Thursday night training group, Masa, Carol, Fiona, Sue and Melas (Trainers), Bruno and in the front row, Yelena and Karyn. Chiyo and Masa will return to Japan on the 1st of July and whilst we are sad to see them go, we look forward to future encounters.