....building on the spirit and work of J. L. Moreno and Zerka T. Moreno.
The Moreno Psychodrama Society (MPS) is a body of people working together to bring Psychodrama, and its companions, sociometry, sociodrama, role training, group work and role theory into many areas of our world.
MPS is the umbrella organisation for the Psychodrama Institute of Melbourne (PIM) and the Psychodrama Institute of Aotearoa (PIA), accredited training bodies that stand for, and promote the development of relationship and community through the unique expression of its members. The Society and the Training Institutes are mutually affiliated with the Australian and Aotearoa Board of Psychodrama (AABP) making a tripartite system. MPS is the registration body for certified Psychodramatists and Psychodrama Trainers, Educators and Practitioners (TEP's) accredited by the Board.
The Moreno Psychodrama Society founded the Theatre of Spontaneity (ToS) in 2003, our patron being Zerka Moreno. The name "Theatre of Spontaneity" was coined by Jacob Moreno around 1921. It was the precursor to Psychodrama, so the name changed somewhere in the 1930's to "Psychodrama". ToS took a rest in 2023, after 20 years of 2 hour monthly sessions, from February-November. During the Covid-19 pandemic, ToS went fully online for two years. It offered a safe platform for group work, local and overseas, staying open to the public, exploring matters of interest and specific topics for our world, and it brought forward the latest innovations in experiential methods. The material came from the audience. ToS's Guest Directors and Leaders included psychodrama practitioners, advanced trainees and overseas guests.
The benefits of MPS membership are many. Most significantly, our members make up a living and thriving community that has spontaneity and creativity at its heart. They are able to read 24 online editions of 'The Mirror', the world's first Psychodrama E-Journal, which was published 3 times, then twice a year from 2012-2024. The eJournal is resting in 2025. Currently we are in the process of developing a book on role theory, due out in 2025. New projects are in the pipeline. Our Blog and Facebook pages show forthcoming events, photos, art, poetry and short writings of our members. Members are invited to write for the blog thereby contributing to the creation of new ideas and developments in psychodrama. They can also post links on our site for their Workshops and Practices. MPS membership entitles members to receive reduced fees into MPS and PIM open events.
Ted Bugarski is the Administrator of MPS. All enquiries can be sent to him via email: MPSociety@gmail.com